List of Adjectives That Begin with A – Adjectives That Start with A

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  1. Able-bodied
  2. Acceptable
  3. Accurate
  4. Alert
  5. Ample
  6. Awesome
  7. Average.

Adjectives that begin with A letter can signify a variety of things depending on the context. Some adjectives are used to describe people, such as able-bodied, accurate, and alert. Others describe actions, such as ample and awesome. There are also adjectives to describe places and objects or animals. Whatever kind of adjective you’re looking for, you’ll find it here! Here is a list of the best adjectives that start with A.

Adjectives to describe people

1. Able-bodied: This adjective is used to describe people who are physically able to do things.

2. Acceptable: If something is acceptable, it means that it is good enough or appropriate enough for a certain person or thing.

3. Accurate: Something that is accurate describes someone or something that gets the facts exactly right.

4. Alertness: A person who is alert is highly aware of their surroundings and what is going on around them.

5. Ample: Something that is ample has more than enough of something, such as food or space.

6. Awesome: Something that is awesome can be a lot of different things but one definition of the word is “extremely impressive or daunting” which would describe a really great experience or an amazing event!

7. Average: The word average means being in the middle with regards to quality, ability, size, etc., so if you have an average score on your test, you probably did pretty well!

Adjectives to describe places and objects

The first types of adjectives that start with A are those that describe places and objects. The term ample, for example, is commonly used to denote anything that is copious. Look up the word amicable if you’re looking for adjectives to describe furniture. The adjective amicable means friendly or agreeable, which would make it ideal to use when talking about a person who works in a furniture store.

How about animals? You can use adjectives like agile or agile to describe an animal’s physical characteristics. For example, if you wanted to describe someone as agile, you could say they are quick and light on their feet. Don’t forget about adjectives like accurate and alert! These adjectives are used to characterize exact or observant people or behaviors, respectively.

Adjectives to describe actions

Actions are an important part of any language. It’s no surprise, then, that adjectives have been used to characterize them.

1. Able-bodied: This adjective is often used to describe someone who is physically capable of doing something.

2. Acceptable: This adjective can be used to describe something that’s considered okay or reasonable by a group or society.

3. Accurate: This adjective is often used to describe something that’s free from error or mistake.

4. Alert: This adjective describes someone who is attentive and not easily distracted from their work or duties.

5. Ample: Ample means enough for a particular need or requirement, but not more than necessary.

6. Awesome: Awesome can be used to describe something that’s impressive, exciting, and/or terrifying in a way that’s difficult for people to understand what they feel about it when they experience it for the first time with feelings of awe and terror mixed together with an overwhelming sense of wonderment and admiration for what he saw!

7. Average: Average is usually used in reference to numbers in order to represent how much out of ten examples can be expected within a specific range, which makes this one of the most commonly used words in the English language!

List of Adjectives That Start with A To G

Adjectives that begin with A

  • absolute
  • Accusatory
  • Accusing
  • Accusive
  • advantageous
  • Abulic
  • Abundant
  • Abused
  • abandoned
  • Antiseptic
  • Antisocial
  • abdominal
  • Acapnial
  • Acapnic
  • Acapnotic
  • Achromic
  • Achromous
  • Achy
  • abhorrent
  • Academic
  • Accept
  • Accelerative
  • Acneiform
  • Acold
  • Acoustic
  • Acceleratory
  • Accented
  • Acceptant
  • abiding
  • androgenous
  • available
  • Addictive
  • Acronymic
  • Acronymous
  • Acropetal
  • Additional
  • Addle
  • Acclivitous
  • Accommodating
  • Accommodational
  • agoraphobic
  • abrupt
  • Actual
  • Actually
  • Actuarial
  • Abasic
  • Abatable
  • Abatic
  • absent
  • absentminded
  • Accretionary
  • Accretive
  • Accrued
  • Acculturational
  • Australian
  • Austrian
  • Average
  • Afflictive
  • Affordable
  • Aged
  • acceptable
  • astronomical
  • Abecedarian
  • Aberdonian
  • Aberrant
  • awesome
  • abysmal
  • academic
  • Alarming
  • Alike
  • Alive
  • acceptable
  • ambivalent
  • agonizing
  • agreeable
  • ahead
  • Able
  • Abloom
  • Ablutionary
  • anonymous
  • amuck
  • amused
  • amusing
  • acoustic
  • acrid
  • actually
  • Aware
  • Awesome
  • Azure
  • Amicable
  • Animal
  • ashamed
  • aspiring
  • assorted
  • accommodating
  • Ardent
  • Aristocrat
  • absurd
  • abundant
  • abusive
  • Armed
  • accompanying
  • Aboral
  • Aboriginal
  • Abortifacient
  • Attractive
  • Attentive
  • Attainable
  • Acute
  • Acyclic
  • Appropriate
  • Approximate
  • awesome
  • awful
  • axiomatic
  • abrasive
  • Astonishing
  • Astonished
  • Assuring
  • abrupt
  • absent
  • Anemic
  • Angular
  • Appalachian
  • accountable
  • auricular
  • African
  • Abroad
  • Abrupt
  • Abscessed
  • Adherent
  • Adhesive
  • Adhoc
  • accused
  • Addicted
  • aback
  • abaft
  • abandoned
  • Addictive
  • Additional
  • accusing
  • adamant

Adjectives That Start With A

Adjectives That Start With A
Adjectives That Start With A

•             Azygous

•             Azygos

•             Azure

•             Azotic

•             Azotemic

•             Azonic

•             Azonal

•             Azoic

•             Azo

•             Azimuthal

•             Azido

•             Azerbaijani

•             Axonal

•             Axiomatical

•             Axiomatic

•             Axiological

•             Axillary

•             Axile

•             Axial

•             Axenic

•             Awry

•             Awol

•             Awny

•             Awnless

•             Awninged

•             Awned

•             Awless

•             Awkward

•             Awing

•             Awheel

•             Awful

•             Awestruck

•             Awestricken

•             Aweless

•             Aweigh

•             Awed

•             Aweary

•             Away

•             Awash

•             Aware

•             Awakened

•             Awake

•             Awaited

•             Avuncular

•             Avowed

•             Avoidable

•             Avoid

•             Avocational

•             Avocado

•             Avitaminotic

•             Avirulent

•             Avionic

•             Avifaunistic

•             Avifaunal

•             Avid

•             Avian

•             Avestan

•             Avertible

•             Avertable

•             Aversive

•             Averse

•             Average

•             Avenged

•             Avellane

•             Avellan

•             Avascular

•             Avaricious

•             Available

•             Auxinic

•             Auxiliary

•             Auxetic

•             Autumnal

•             Autotypic

•             Autotrophic

•             Autotomic

•             Autotelic

•             Autosomal

•             Autosemantic

•             Autoradiographic

•             Autoplastic

•             Autophytic

•             Autonomous

•             Autonomic

•             Automotive

•             Automatonlike

•             Automatic

•             Automated

•             Autolytic

•             Autologous

•             Autoloading

•             Autoimmune

•             Autoicous

•             Autographic

•             Autographed

•             Autogenous

•             Autogenic

•             Autogenetic

•             Autogamous

•             Autogamic

•             Autofluorescent

•             Autoerotic

•             Autoecious

•             Autodidactic

•             Autocratic

•             Autochthonous

•             Autochthonic

•             Autochthonal

•             Autocatalytic

•             Autobiographical

•             Autobiographic

•             Autistic

•             Authorized

•             Authoritative

•             Authoritarian

•             Authorised

•             Authorial

•             Authenticated

•             Authentic

•             Autarkical

•             Autarkic

•             Autarchical

•             Autarchic

•             Autacoidal

•             Austronesian

•             Austrian

•             Australopithecine

•             Australian

•             Australasian

•             Austral

•             Austere

•             Austenitic

•             Auspicious

•             Auscultatory

•             Aurous

•             Aurorean

•             Auroral

•             Auriform

•             Auriferous

•             Auriculoventricular

•             Auriculated

•             Auriculate

•             Auricular

•             Auric

•             Aureate

•             Aural

•             Auld

•             Augustan

•             August

•             Augmented

•             Augmentative

•             Augitic

•             Augean

•             Auditory

•             Auditive

•             Audit

•             Audiovisual

•             Audiometric

•             Audio

•             Audile

•             Audible

•             Audenesque

•             Audacious

•             Auctorial

•             Auburn

•             Atypical

•             Atypic

•             Attritional

•             Attrited

•             Attributive

•             Attributable

•             Attractive

•             Attractable

•             Attitudinal

•             Attired

•             Attic

•             Attested

•             Attenuated

•             Attenuate

•             Attentive

•             Attentional

•             Attended

•             Attendant

•             Attempted

•             Attained

•             Attainable

•             Attacking

•             Attached

•             Attachable

•             Atrophied

•             Atrophic

•             Atrocious

•             Atrip

•             Atrioventricular

•             Atrial

•             Atrabilious

•             Atoxic

•             Atonic

•             Atonalistic

•             Atonal

•             Atomistical

•             Atomistic

•             Atomic

•             Atmospherical

•             Atmospheric

•             Atlantic

•             Atilt

•             Athletic

•             Athirst

•             Atherosclerotic

•             Atheromatous

•             Atheromatic

•             Athenian

•             Atheistical

•             Atheistic

•             Atheist

•             Ateleiotic

•             Ataxic

•             Atavistic

•             Ataraxic

•             Ataractic

•             Atactic

•             Asynergic

•             Asyndetic

•             Asynchronous

•             Asymptotic

•             Asymptomatic

•             Asymmetrical

•             Asymmetric

•             Asunder

•             Astylar

•             Astute

•             Astrophysical

•             Astronomical

•             Astronomic

•             Astronautical

•             Astronautic

•             Astrological

•             Astrocytic

•             Astringent

•             Astral

•             Astragalar

•             Astounding

•             Astounded

•             Astonishing

•             Astonied

•             Astomatous

•             Astomatal

•             Astir

•             Astigmatic

•             Asthmatic

•             Asthenic

•             Asteroidal

•             Asteroid

•             Asternal

•             Asterismal

•             Asterisked

•             Asteriated

•             Astatic

•             Assuring

•             Assurgent

•             Assured

•             Assumptive

•             Assuming

•             Assumed

•             Assuasive

•             Assorted

•             Assonant

•             Associatory

•             Associative

•             Associational

•             Associate

•             Associable

•             Assistive

•             Assisted

•             Assistant

•             Assimilatory

•             Assimilative

•             Assimilating

•             Assimilable

•             Assigned

•             Assignable

•             Assiduous

•             Assessable

•             Assertive

•             Asserting

•             Asserted

•             Assertable

•             Assentient

•             Assaultive

•             Assassinated

•             Assamese

•             Assailant

•             Assailable

•             Asquint

•             Aspiring

•             Aspiratory

•             Aspirant

•             Asphyxiating

•             Asphyxiated

•             Aspherical

•             Aspheric

•             Asphaltic

•             Aspectual

•             Asocial

•             Aslope

•             Asleep

•             Aslant

•             Askew

•             Askant

•             Askance

•             Asinine

•             Asiatic

•             Asian

•             Ashy

•             Ashen

•             Ashamed

•             Asexual

•             Aseptic

•             Ascribable

•             Ascosporous

•             Ascosporic

•             Ascomycetous

•             Ascocarpous

•             Asclepiadaceous

•             Ascitic

•             Ascetical

•             Ascetic

•             Ascertained

•             Ascertainable

•             Ascensive

•             Ascensional

•             Ascending

•             Ascendible

•             Ascendent

•             Ascendant

•             Ascendable

•             Asat

•             Aryan

•             Arundinaceous

•             Arty

•             Artless

•             Artistic

•             Artiodactylous

•             Artiodactyl

•             Artificial

•             Articulatory

•             Articulative

•             Articulated

•             Articulate

•             Articulary

•             Articular

•             Articled

•             Arthurian

•             Arthrosporous

•             Arthrosporic

•             Arthropodous

•             Arthropodan

•             Arthropodal

•             Arthromeric

•             Arthritic

•             Arthralgic

•             Artful

•             Artesian

•             Arteriovenous

•             Arteriosclerotic

•             Arteriolar

•             Arterial

•             Arsenious

•             Arsenical

•             Arrogant

•             Arrhythmical

•             Arrhythmic

•             Arresting

•             Arrested

•             Arrayed

•             Arrant

•             Arranged

•             Aroused

•             Aromatic

•             Aroid

•             Armoured

•             Armorial

•             Armored

Adjectives That Starts With A

•             Armlike

•             Armless

•             Arminian

•             Armillary

•             Armenian

•             Armed

•             Arithmetical

•             Arithmetic

•             Aristotelic

•             Aristotelian

•             Aristotelean

•             Aristocratical

•             Aristocratic

•             Aristocrat

•             Ariose

•             Arillate

•             Ariled

•             Arid

•             Argumentative

•             Arguable

•             Argive

•             Argillaceous

•             Argentous

•             Argentinian

•             Argentine

•             Argentiferous

•             Argentic

•             Argent

•             Areolate

•             Areolar

•             Arenicolous

•             Arenaceous

•             Areal

•             Arduous

•             Ardent

•             Arcuate

•             Arctic

•             Arco

•             Arciform

•             Archosaurian

•             Archival

•             Architectural

•             Architectonic

•             Archipelagic

•             Arching

•             Archiepiscopal

•             Archidiaconal

•             Archetypical

•             Archetypal

Adjectives That Start With A To Describe A Person Positively

•             Archesporial

•             Archepiscopal

•             Archeozoic

•             Archeologist

•             Archeological

•             Archeologic

•             Archegoniate

•             Archegonial

•             Arched

•             Archean

•             Archducal

•             Archdiocesan

•             Archangelical

•             Archaistic

•             Archaic

•             Archaeozoic

•             Archaeological

•             Archaeologic

•             Archaean

•             Arch

•             Arced

•             Arcane

•             Arcadian

•             Arborous

•             Arboriform

•             Arborical

•             Arboresque

•             Arborescent

•             Arboreous

•             Arboreal

•             Arborary

•             Arboraceous

•             Arbitrative

•             Arbitrational

•             Arbitrary

•             Arbitral

•             Arbitrable

•             Arawakan

•             Araneidan

•             Araneidal

•             Aramean

•             Aramaic

•             Aramaean

•             Arachnoid

•             Arachnidian

•             Araceous

•             Arable

•             Arabic

•             Arabian

•             Aquiline

•             Aquiferous

•             Aquicultural

•             Aqueous

•             Aquatic

•             Aquarian

•             Aquaphobic

•             Aquacultural

•             Aptitudinal

•             Apterous

•             Apteral

•             Apt

•             Apsidal

•             Apropos

•             Apraxic

•             Apractic

•             Appurtenant

•             Approximative

•             Approximate

•             Approving

•             Approved

•             Appropriative

•             Appropriate

•             Appropriable

•             Approbatory

•             Approbative

•             Approaching

Adjectives That Start With A To Describe A Person

•             Approachable

•             Appressed

•             Apprenticed

•             Apprehensive

•             Apprehensible

•             Apprehended

•             Appreciative

•             Appreciated

•             Appreciable

•             Appraising

•             Appositive

•             Appositional

•             Apposite

•             Apposable

•             Apportioned

•             Apportionable

•             Appointive

•             Appointed

•             Applied

•             Applicatory

•             Applicative

•             Applicant

•             Applicable

•             Applauding

•             Applaudable

•             Appetizing

•             Appetitive

•             Appetising

•             Appetent

•             Apperceptive

•             Appendicular

•             Appendant

•             Appendaged

•             Appellative

•             Appellate

•             Appellant

•             Appeasing

•             Appeasable

•             Appealable

•             Apparitional

•             Apparent

•             Appareled

•             Appalling

•             Appalled

•             Appalachian

•             Apotropaic

•             Apothegmatical

•             Apothegmatic

•             Apothecial

•             Apostrophic

•             Apostolical

•             Apostolic

•             Apostate

•             Aposiopetic

•             Apoplectoid

•             Apoplectiform

•             Apoplectic

•             Apophyseal

•             Apophatic

•             Apopemptic

•             Aponeurotic

•             Apomictical

•             Apomictic

•             Apologetic

•             Apolitical

•             Apogean

•             Apogamous

•             Apogamic

•             Apogametic

•             Apodous

•             Apodictic

•             Apodeictic

•             Apodal

•             Apocynaceous

•             Apocryphal

•             Apocrine

•             Apochromatic

•             Apocarpous

•             Apocalyptical

•             Apocalyptic

•             Apnoeic

•             Apneic

•             Aplitic

•             Aplanatic

•             Aplacental

•             Apivorous

•             Apish

•             Apicultural

•             Apiculate

•             Apical

•             Apiarian

•             Apian

•             Aphyllous

•             Aphrodisiacal

•             Aphrodisiac

•             Aphotic

•             Aphoristic

•             Aphonic

•             Aphetic

•             Apheretic

•             Aphasic

•             Aphanitic

•             Aphakic

•             Aphaeretic

•             Apex

•             Apetalous

•             Aperiodic

•             Aperient

•             Apelike

•             Apathetic

•             Apart

•             Aortic

•             Aortal

•             Aoristic

•             Any

•             Anxious

•             Anxiolytic

•             Anurous

•             Anuric

•             Anuretic

•             Anuran

•             Antsy

•             Antrorse

•             Antonymous

•             Antlered

•             Antiviral

•             Antitypical

•             Antitypic

•             Antitumour

•             Antitumor

•             Antitrust

•             Antitoxic

•             Antithyroid

•             Antithetical

•             Antithetic

•             Antitank

•             Antisubmarine

•             Antistrophic

•             Antisocial

•             Antiseptic

•             Antisemitic

•             Antisatellite

•             Antique

•             Antiquated

•             Antiquarian

•             Antipyretic

•             Antipollution

•             Antipodean

•             Antipodal

•             Antiphonary

•             Antiphonal

•             Antiphlogistic

•             Antipersonnel

•             Antipathetical

•             Antipathetic

•             Antiparallel

•             Antinomian

•             Antineoplastic

•             Antimonopoly

•             Antimonious

•             Antimonic

•             Antimonial

•             Antimicrobic

•             Antimicrobial

•             Antimagnetic

•             Antiknocking

•             Antiknock

•             Antiheretical

•             Antiguan

Adjectives Starting With A

•             Antigenic

•             Antifungal

•             Antifertility

•             Antiferromagnetic

•             Antidromic

•             Antidotal

•             Anticyclonic

•             Anticoagulative

•             Anticlockwise

•             Anticlinal

•             Anticlimactical

•             Anticlimactic

•             Anticipatory

•             Anticipative

•             Anticipated

•             Anticipant

•             Anticholinergic

•             Anticancer

•             Antic

•             Antiblack

•             Antibiotic

•             Antibacterial

•             Antiauthoritarian

•             Antiapartheid

•             Antiaircraft

•             Antiadrenergic

•             Anti

•             Anthropophagous

•             Anthropomorphous

•             Anthropomorphic

•             Anthropometrical

•             Anthropometric

•             Anthropological

•             Anthropoidal

•             Anthropoid

•             Anthropogenic

•             Anthropogenetic

•             Anthropocentric

•             Anthropical

•             Anthropic

•             Anthracitic

•             Anthophilous

•             Anthophagous

•             Antheridial

•             Antheral

•             Anthelmintic

•             Anthelminthic

Positive Adjectives that Starting  with A Letter

  • Absolute
  • Arbitral
  • Assertive
  • Astute
  • Adventurous
  • Advantageous
  • Advanced
  • Abundant
  • Active
  • Actual
  • Adaptive
  • Adventuristic
  • Advisable
  • Alive
  • Ancestral
  • Appealing
  • Addictive
  • Addicted
  • Adaptive
  • Applicable
  • Appointive
  • Anesthetic
  • Angelic
  • Alluring
  • Alternative
  • Affective
  • Acceptable

Negative Adjectives that Starting with A

Negative Adjectives that Start with A
  • Abducted
  • Aghast
  • Agonized
  • Aberrant
  • Absurd
  • Abusive
  • Accused
  • Accusative
  • Accurate
  • Askew
  • Aspiratory
  • Afeard
  • Alleged
  • Allergic
  • Affected
  • Authoritative
  • Avaricious
  • Annoying
  • Anticlimactic
  • Abhorrent

Personality Adjectives that Starting  with A Letter

  • Abhorrent
  • Abiding
  • Admired
  • Affable
  • Agonizing
  • Agreeable
  • Alarmist
  • Affectionate
  • Amusing
  • Apologetic
  • Arrogant
  • Artistic
  • Appalling
  • Appealing
  • Audacious
  • Auspicious
  • Authoritarian
  • Angelic
  • Angry
  • Abrupt

List Of Adjectives That Start With Z


The word “adjective” is often defined as a word, phrase, or clause that describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives are words that characterize people, places, things, or activities. If you are looking for adjectives that start with A, then this list should provide you with some great options.

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